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Custom Growth Solutions, LLC | Sandler Training | Oklahoma City, OK

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One of the original 49 Sandler Rules can help you position your marketing to help your sales efforts consistently. That is Sandler Rule #39: When All Else Fails, Become a Consultant.

Much of marketing today takes the form of content marketing. With content marketing, you share select tidbits of your expertise, usually online. The goal is for prospects and suspects to view you as an expert in your field, whether they're directly interacting with you or not.

In sales, sometimes you can tell that you've lost a deal. So instead of getting desperate and discounting, we advise clients to become a consultant instead. Share just a little bit of your expertise with them and leave it open to talk in the future. Then be sure to follow up and check in further down the road.

So what does that look like in marketing? In today's world, people are connecting with you and your organization online. So be sure to share content regularly that demonstrates your expertise. Of course, you shouldn't share everything, but share just enough that it reinforces in your prospects' minds that you know what you're talking about.

Where should you share that type of content? There are a few places and ways you can do it, especially online:

  1. LinkedIn on both your Company Page and personal profile
  2. Facebook, again on both your Company Page and personal profile
  3. Videos on YouTube
  4. Email newsletters (be sure to ask prospects if you can start sending them helpful content)
  5. Blog articles on your own website
  6. Articles on other well-respected websites

When you're not trying to sell but instead share your expertise, your credibility goes way up. Then you're more likely to come in above your competitors when your prospect is trying to make that decision in the future.

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